The installation details are collected from amazon reviews, and please read them carefully because you can find almost all solutions and cautions in this article. Especially, thanks for every coomatec users, and we appreciate very much the excellent suggestions you have provided.
Step 1
Download the following from the Coomatec Website in the Download section:
a)Time setting program as your model on the label of the color box:
b) VLC Player as your operations system(Solution for no picture only noise)
Plug in a suitable micro-SD card(2-32GB) into the slot. Nothing works unless you do this.
a) The micro-SD card capacity available is above 2GB and the file system should be FAT32.
b) Please format the micro-SD card in first use if the camera can't recognise it.(The red light of camera blinks).
c) Many fake micro-SD card make the DVRCam crash. Please buy genuine from our resellers.
If you have a 64GB micro -SD card, you must follow this link to set up:
C802& C802H C808 (hidden inside under the screw on lens/lighting cover)
C901&C902&C908H Open the waterproof cover and front cover and insert TF card here.
Step 3
Plug the camera into your PC/laptop USB Port - (don't press the small button in front of the SD Card), then the "Removable Disk" comes.
If the dvrcam can't be recognized by your PC, please find solutions in this link:
Install and run the Time setting program, and select the video size and image quality as you need to set. The camera set up file will then be copied onto the Camera's SD Card.
USB Eject the Camera from your PC/Laptop by the usual method.
Position the Camera for recording and plug it into the power supply provided. The Blue LED start flashing, so the camera is recording.
a) Many fake micro-SD card make the DVRCam crash easy. If the dvrcam crashed, please reset it as this link:
The camera is now recording video and will continue to do so until stopped by removing the power.
If you want to look at the video recorded then unplug the camera from the power and either
a) remove the Micro SD card and plug it into your PC/Laptop using the Adaptor provided.
b) plug the camera directly into your PC/Laptop USB Port.
Install and run the 3gp Player downloaded from the Coomatec Website to view the videos that have been recorded on the SD Card.
a)If the videos recorded look good, but can't be played, please test your TF card in this link:
b)If there is no videos while the blue light is blinking, please plug in mains to record at least 30mins and press the small button in front of the SD Card to save the recording. Because the built-in battery run out, the dvrcam can't save video automatically.
c)If the camera don't over write old files, please insert the micro-SD card in the dvrcam and format it.
a)the dvrcam will start to overwrite previous recordings if runs out of space on Micro SD card, so check and download if you want to keep a recording.
b)the Ir leds shines back if you install dvrcam to look through windows.
c)If the colour of videos is a bit washy to you, please choose C901&C902&C908H, good color with IR Cut filter.